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Your swimming pool needs to be properly serviced and maintained if you’re to get the best use out of it. Now is the right time for you to be shutting your outdoor pool down for the winter. Alligator Pools is equipped to deal with all your winter maintenance issues, whether you need an electric winter cover, cold weather chemicals, or a weekly service.
Hints and Tips for winter maintenance:

  • Your pool should be shock treated with liquid chlorine and a non-copper liquid algicide.
  • Always leave an expansion vessel (a five-litre container half-filled with water) in the pool during the winter months to prevent tile cracking.
  • If you don’t leave your filtration system running, you should drain your pump filter and heater to prevent frost damage.
  • Always use a quality winter debris cover to prevent accidents. Replace your existing cover if it is worn or damaged.

Keep an eye on this page for all the spring opening information you need.